Full reviews at bottom of page.

Keri Facer
Professor of Educational and Social Futures, University of Bristol
This thoughtful, critical and creative book opens up a wealth of directions for reimagining universities. It is a cornucopia of ideas for designing a new educational practice adequate for a world facing profound environmental, economic and social disruption.

Craig Hammond
Liverpool John Moores University
Schwittay argues for the creation of alternative educational and social futures through the design of new learning environments; the development of student curiosity, introspection and imagination; prototyping activities and the taking of creative risks. This is a timely, important and optimistic book – a conceptual and practical antidote to the challenges of our times.

Ronald Barnett
University of London
This book is written with a passion for the students and their learning and a passion for higher education that exhibits hope for a different world. It is a book that is full of life and that will surely enliven most of its readers.

David Hayes
Blackpool and Fyde College
This powerful, bold, vivid and engaging account is an antidote to the challenges of our times and offers a critical-creative-imaginative manifesto for alternative educational and social futures... A spirit of mutual aid, benevolence and social cooperation pervades Schwittay's militantly optimistic and pragmatic book.