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Teaching Resources

In this section I share teaching materials related to the activities described in my book. I hope you will experiment with them in your own classrooms. For each activity, you will find a brief summary on the website and downloadable materials to explore further. These include Activity Guides with a longer description, detailed outline and reading suggestions; templates and handouts. I have also included student quotes and work examples to provide an idea of the learning experience.

Social Alternatives

Green Buildings

Designing Alternative Urban Scenarios


Students work in groups to develop imagined future urban spaces and then build material prototypes of them.


Creating an Urban Manifesto


This activity helps students to co-create a manifesto for how to make a city more equitable, inclusive and sustain-able.


Creating an Activism Campaign


In this activity students work in groups to design an activism campaign targeting an issue of their choice. 


Additional Resources


This section has links to resources by other educators I have found inspiring. Feel free to let me know of others to add!

Ecological Alternatives


Sustainable Campus


Students research and map their university campus, to  propose improvements to university senior management.

Bag of Fruits

Future Food


Students experiment with different food-related practices to learn experientially about the multiple impacts of their food choices. 


Role Play Around Sustainable Transport


Students research and then adopt different roles to learn about issues around urban mobility in Dhaka.


Additional Resources


This section has links to resources by other educators I have found inspiring. Feel free to let me know of others to add!

Economic Alternatives


Personal Diverse Economic Portfolios


Students analyze the diverse and social character of their own economic activities.

This activity is inspired by J.K. Gibson-Graham.

Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 08.34.42.png

Additional Resources


This section has links to resources by other educators I have found inspiring. Feel free to let me know of others to add!


Designing a Recycling Cooperative


Students are tasked with designing a recycling cooperative that tackles inequalities in class, gender and ethnicity.

© 2021 Creative Universities

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